Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 9 am - 9 pm. Saturday by appointment. Sunday Closed.
· This patient presented on 15-01-13, with reduced vision in right eye after cataract surgery which was done elsewhere the previous day
· On examination, the vision was Hand movements, slit lamp showed corneal folds, with aphakia and lens matter in anterior chamber.
· There was a vitreous hemorrhage, and details of retina were not visible.
· The intraocular pressure was normal. When he came for follow up 3 days later, the findings were same, but eye pressure had gone up to 32 mm Hg.
· He underwent vitrectomy on 23-01-13, for retained lens matter.
· The vitreous hemorrhage was cleared, and intraocular lens was seen in the vitreous cavity, which was removed and placed in the normal position.
· Postoperatively, the vision improved to 6/6, IOL was well centered and retina was normal.