Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 9 am - 9 pm. Saturday by appointment. Sunday Closed.


Q: What is Human Eye?
Human eye has an optical system.

The optical system of the eye has three camera like features that is
  • Lens system (cornea & lens)
  • Diaphragm (iris)
  • Film (Retina); The image of an object falls on the retina from where it is sent to brain for interpretation.
Q: Can I read in a dim illumination! Is it harmful?
Your eyes are not harmed by reading in dim illumination.

They may get tired because of the extra effort it takes to see clearly, but no permanent damage will occur.
Q: Will more reading affect my Eyes?
There is no such evidence that more reading affects the eyes.

But you should always read with proper illumination and also use glasses if you have refractive error.
Q: Will my eyes get damaged if I hold books very close to the eyes?
The place where reading material is held has no effect on health of the eyes or need of the glasses, but it is preferable to hold the books at arm’s length for comfortable reading.
Q: Does wearing glasses all the time make you dependent on them?
Wearing eye glasses will never make you worse.

Once you enjoy clear vision with your glasses you will like to wear them.
Q: Can daily eye exercises keep the eye muscle in good tone?
Being alive and looking around the world is all that is necessary to keep our eye muscle toned, any extra effort is waste of time and has no benefit.
Q: Can Exercise correct Refractive Error?
There is no proven evidence that any type of exercise can make any difference to refractive error.
Q: Can a wrong diet lead to need of glasses?
There is no scientific evidence that diet plays any role in the need for glasses, nor will a change in diet or a special diet or vitamins makes any difference.

There are a few eye diseases related to lack of vitamins or to malnutrition, especially in people who are the victims of famine or primitive condition
Q: Does eating lots of carrot give me good eyes and eyesight?
Carrots contain vitamin A, which, in small amounts, is necessary for the eyes to function.
Q: Is it safe to look at a solar eclipse?
It is never safe to look directly at an eclipse through any device except those scientifically designed for that purpose.
Q: Does prolonged viewing of computer screens damage your eyes?
There is no scientific evidence that any permanent damage to your eyes can occur in this way, but may lead to dry eye syndrome.
Q: I see something moving in front of my eyes!
These are floaters which is a common complaint. If you are short sighted, some floaters are common.

Sudden appearance of floaters in any person needs to be examined.

If you see sparks of light also, you must get your retina checked immediately.
Q: My Child�s glasses number is increasing too fast!
Get your child’s eye examined regularly. Usually the number increases in growing age till puberty or till the body height increases. If your child is healthy, he does not need any medicines. If there is excessive use of computer or TV viewing, it can be reduced.
Q: Why do we need to wait for so long? Do we need to put eye drops always?
For a complete checkup we need to dilate the pupils so that the view of retina is complete and any problem with the retina can be detected at an early stage.
Q: Can cataract be due to overuse of the eyes?
Cataracts are usually related to age and many years of exposure to bright sunlight. They have nothing to do with how you use your eyes.
Q: Can cataract be treated with eye drops or medications?
Cataract can never be treated with medication or eye drops.
Q: Then what is the cure for cataract?
In a person with cataract, the doctor sees if his vision can be improved with glasses, accordingly ,he advises glasses. If vision is less and not good enough to pursue daily activity, then surgery is the answer.
Q: What is laser operation for cataract?
Lasers are not normally used for cataract operation, it is a misconception. Today, majority of cataracts are operated by PHAKOEMULSIFICATION. This is a stitchless operation, here cataract is broken into small pieces and removed by suction and subsequently, foldable lens is implanted.
Q: Why should Diabetics get their Eyes checked regularly?
Diabetes can cause retinal problems which can be picked up in initial stage and treated. When patient has eye complaint, it may be late.
Q: What care should I take after any Eye Surgery / Operation?

Post Operative Instructions:

  • Do not touch or wipe or rub your eyes for 2-3 months after the surgery
  • Take care not to injure your eyes. Keep away from Children and Pets.
  •  Clean your eyes with sterile cotton as taught to you. Do not exert pressure.
  • Wear glasses or Glares to protect your eyes while you move out.
  • Wear the Eyeshield while you sleep to prevent injury when sleeping
  • Take medicine as per instructions. Put eye drops as instructed.( For putting drops down the lower eyelid only and not the upper eyelid.)
  • Do not sleep on the side of the operated eye for a month.
  • Do not take hairbath for 2 weeks after surgery.
  • Take light and soft meals after surgery. Normal diet can be taken from the next day.
  • Contact doctor Immediately if there is any pain or sudden drop in vision or any other problem.
  • Glasses prescription can be given between 4 to 8 weeks of surgery.
Q: What care or precautions should I take before I come for any Eye Surgery / Operation?

 Pre Operative Instructions:

  • Take medicine as per Dr's instructions. Put the drops as advised.
  • Always inform your doctor if you have any Drug Allergies
  • Wash your hair on the day of surgery and do not oil them.
  • Wash your face twice with soap and water before you come for surgery.
  • Diabetic patients should not take medicines or insulin for diabetes before they come for surgery.
  • Asthama and Hypertensive Patients should take regular dose of their medicines.
  • Come with empty stomach 6 hrs. before the time of surgery.
Q: When is it an emergency in the eye?

Consult Immediately if you:

  • flashes of light or sudden increase in floaters.
  • have sudden loss of vision complete or partial.
  • have sudden pain in eye. 
  • have trauma (injury) or foreign body.
  • if you have sudden redness of eye.
Q: Is it necessary for everyone to consult an eye doctor regularly?

Consult regularly if you:

  • are diabetic
  • are hypertensive
  • have been diagnosed to have glaucoma
  • are High Myope (having glasses) with high minus number
  • have previous history of retinal detachment, underwent laser treatment etc.
Q: Can you suggest tips for maintaining good eye sight?

Eye care tips

  • Do not read sleeping or in moving vehicle.
  • Keep proper distance while reading.
  • Do not read in dim light.
  • The light should come from behind and top while reading.
  • Do not watch TV while lying down.
  •  There should at least be 6 to 8 feet distance between you and TV.
  • If you do not see clearly for distance ie. cannot read bus numbers when others can, or cannot read the indicator on railway platform when others can, you should see the eye doctor.
  • When the child's performance in school is becoming bad or cannot read on the blackboard from back bench or is squinting, consult the eye doctor.
  • Have a healthy diet full of green vegetable, fruits, carrot & milk.
  • Avoid smoking and Alcohol as it may increase risk og macular degeneration.
  • Protect your eyes from UV lights by wearing sunglasses.
  • It is advisable to keep good metabolic control.