Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 9 am - 9 pm. Saturday by appointment. Sunday Closed.
· 23 yr old male, presented with complaints of black spots seen in front of right eye since 2 days. Past h/o TB at age of 5 yrs.
· VA both eyes 6/6, N6. Normal IOP. Fundus right eye showed active periphlebitis, left eye healed periphlebitis. FFA done to confirm the diagnosis of Eales disease.
· Investigations done – showed positive mantoux test, positive HRCT chest, and negative Se. ACE levels. He was started on oral steroids t.wysolone 60mg and full course of AKT.
· Steroids were gradually tapered over 4 months, and he took AKT for six and a half months.
· At last follow up on 18/2/2012, his vision was 6/6p, N6 in both eyes. Fundus in right eye was normal, left eye had only occasional haemorrhages.
· This young male patient with Eales disease, responded well to combination of oral steroids and AKT, and vascultis healed well.