39 year old male, known case of diabetic and hypertension on treatment, presented with reduced vision in left eye.
The right eye had been operated for retinal detachment elsewhere, and he had received 3 sittings of PRP laser in both eyes.
On examination, his vision in right eye was PL+, and left eye was 6/18, N36. The IOP was normal in both eyes.
Fundus in right eye showed total retinal detachment, which was inoperable. The left eye fundus showed fibrous proliferation and subretinal band with tractional detachment involving the macula.
He underwent bimanual 23 G vitrectomy with gas insertion.
1 month postop, the BCVA in left eye improved to 6/12p,N18 .
Fundus showed disc pallor, with subretinal scar at macula, but retina was well attached.
The total surgery duration was 45mins because of Bimanual 23G vitrectomy
This case illustrates usefulness of timely proper vitrectomy. Patient lost the other eye with similar situation elsewhere.