Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 9 am - 9 pm. Saturday by appointment. Sunday Closed.
· Ref no (11-01077) 77 years old gentleman came to me on 13/5/2011 with the complaints of Left eye diminished vision, and distorted vision since 2-3 months.
· On examination, his left eye vision was CF-3mts;N36.
· Fundus examination revealed macula dull, view hazy due to cataract.
· He underwent OCT which showed vitreomacular traction. He underwent Phaco with IOL with Vitrectomy on 24-5-2011.
· Post operatively he was doing well, his left eye improved to 6/12;N6.
· This case highlights the importance of combined retinal and cataract surgery for macular pucker, with good postoperative results.