Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 9 am - 9 pm. Saturday by appointment. Sunday Closed.

Interesting Cases

Spontaneous closure of Macular hole Despite presence of posterior vitreous detachment pre macular hole formation
  • I would like to share this unusual picture of 52 yr old myopic (-5.0 ds) ,
  • Vision in left eye in  2019 was 6/6 N6 
  • Optical coherence tomography reveled normal foveal anatomy with posterior vitreoud detachment,
  • On April 2020 patient became symptomatic for vision probleme in  left eye 
  • Left eye vision dropped to 6/12 N10 , Optical coherence tomography showed macular cyst with inner hole , complete posterior vitreoud detachment,
  • On July 2020 vision in left eye 6/9 N6  Optical coherence tomography almost normal 
  • Patient symptomaticsally better
  • Treatment given only Nepafenac eye drops
  • Other eye normal
It is spontaneous resolution of early macular hole but surprisingly there is posterior vitreoud detachment, since a year