Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 9 am - 9 pm. Saturday by appointment. Sunday Closed.
• This 65 year old male presented with drop in vision in left eye since 15-20 days. He was psudophakic, the BCVA in left eye was CFCF, and retina showed upper temporal horse shoe tear with retinal detachment involving macula. He underwent scleral buckling on 23-1-09.
• The retina was attached for a month, during which there was a vitreous hemorrhage inferiorly. On 21-2-09 he developed recurrent inferior RD and underwent vitrectomy with oil on 25-2-09.
• Post vit he had inferior thickened retina, which led to inferior recuurent detachment. On 6-4-09, the BCVA was CFCF, and there was RD with PVR D2.
• On 7-4-09, he was operated for vitrectomy with 180 degree inferior retinectomy, with silicon oil and endolaser. Post op, the retina remained well attached.
• Silicon oil was removed on 15-12-11, and on the last follow up on 23-1-12, the BCVA in left eye was 6/36, N18, with attached retina.